March 28, 2012
by: Client Contributor
Change Can Be Good
Thanks to the advocacy efforts of The Arc and other nonprofit organizations in the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan officially declared March to be Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in 1987. We have made tremendous progress in promoting and protecting the rights of people with developmental disabilities and creating opportunities for them to live, learn and work as valued members of their communities. March is not just about Disability Awareness but about the being aware of the person, who they are and their Abilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed by President George H. Bush on July 26, 1990, only twenty-two years ago. This week, UCP client Lisa shares her story and speaks to how much things have changed during her lifetime.
I was born in 1957. Back then, they did not have many of the things they have today, like access to services and therapy for children. I love my life, but I think things would be different if I had been born later.
In 1977, I came to UCP. I love the workshop. Over the years I met lots of people and I have loved some of them. I was happy to see the change in how people with disabilities are treated.
I have a very nice family, they are good people. In 2003, I moved into an Independent Living home. I liked it, but now I am in my own apartment by myself and I love that.
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