April 11, 2013

by: Renee Canfield

More than 58,000 Ohioans have Austism Spectrum Disorder

April hosts Autism Awareness Month.  This month provides an opportunity to reflect on emerging information released in March of last year from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a report stating that the incidence of autism in the United States had become ‘one in 88 children* — a 78% increase in incidence as compared to a decade ago. The report stated that Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing disability in the United States, and that boys with autism continue to out-number girls by a ratio of five-to-one. It estimated that, nationally, one in every 54 boys has autism, and the Autism Society of Ohio estimates that more than 58,000 Ohioans have ASD. *These numbers recently have been reviewed, suggesting that the incidence may be even greater – closer to one in 55.

UCP of Greater Cleveland provides supports and programs for individuals on the Autism Spectrum through both our Children’s and Adult Services, including pediatric therapies, parent support and education, employment supports and residential services.  If you or someone you love is in need of services, please visit our program pages, Services for Children or Services for Adults or call our offices at:

Children’s Services:  216-791-8363 ext. 1260

Vocational Employment Services:  216-791-8363 ext. 1261

Residential Services:  216-791-8363 ext. 1222

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