Current Employees


Important Employment Contacts

UCP Employees are the greatest asset of the organization!  We pride ourselves on providing a safe and pleasant work environment with the tools each employee needs to excel. Are you a current UCP employee and have questions about payroll, benefits, upcoming agency events and other facets of your employment?  To find the right person to answer your questions, please contact your supervisor or one of the departments listed below.

Benefits Questions:

Payroll Questions:

Upcoming events:

Insurance Questions:

  • 2020/2021 Medical Mutual Coverage Statements are available in Paycom Employee Self Service under Benefits or by contacting the HR Department.
  • Medical Mutual of Ohio Website:
  • Medical Mutual of Ohio Customer Service:  1-800-362-4700
  • Behavioral Health:  1-800-258-3186
  • Care Management Prior Approval:  1-800-338-4114
  • Medical Mutual of Ohio Medco Prescription Drug Benefits:  1-800-417-1961

Other Helpful Links:

Employee Request Forms
